Terms, conditions of use, description of the initiative and information to the consumer

The initiative is an online sale dedicated to customers of the online shop www.cialdemoka.it.
The offer and sale of products through the website www.cialdemoka.it. are governed by the following General Conditions of Sale. The General Conditions of Sale are formulated in compliance with the legislation on contracts concluded outside business premises and in particular with the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (Consumer Code) and subsequent amendments.
The products presented are offered by GIADAGUI SRL., With headquarters in, Via Ingegnoli, 49 - 20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) VAT no. 05619950966, tel 339 0644547361 e-mail address info@cialdemoka.it
The recipients to whom this initiative is addressed are exclusively natural persons, who act for purposes not related to their professional activity.

Acceptance of the general conditions of sale:

1. By placing the order in the manner provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the General Conditions of Sale. GIADAGUI Srl. Reserves the right to change the General Conditions of Sale by giving notice on this page of the site. The applicable General Conditions of Sale are those in force at the time the order is placed. Any changes will be effective after publication on the site.

2. The Customer, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, will print or save an electronic copy and in any case keep these general conditions of sale, in compliance with the provisions of art. 49 et seq. Legislative Decree 206/2005 on distance selling.

How to purchase

3. The Customer can only purchase the products present in the electronic catalog of GIADAGUI Srl. At the time of placing the order, which can be viewed online at (URL) https://www.cialdemoka.it, as described in the relevant data sheets informative. It is understood that the image accompanying the description of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but differ in color, size, accessory products in the figure. All purchase support information is intended as a simple generic information material, not referable to the real characteristics of a single product.

4. The products are offered at the price indicated on the site on the date the order is placed. The prices are inclusive of VAT which will be highlighted in detail in the invoice issued for the purchase of the product. Prices do not include transport and delivery costs, however displayed before sending the order in the purchase cart and on the payment confirmation page, as well as specified in the order confirmation email sent to the Customer. We always strive to guarantee the correctness of the information published on the site, but the breadth of the catalog and the amount of information contained therein involve the possible risk of a technical problem that generates by mistake a sale price different from the actual one. We therefore reserve the right to cancel the order in case of incorrect publication of a price, it will be our Customer Service's concern to notify the Customer and instruct him with the correct information.

5. The steps for placing the order and concluding the purchase contract are clearly highlighted in the sequence of pages of the site through explanatory texts and graphics. In particular, it is advisable to read the information on withdrawal which can be stored and printable at any time. Before sending the order, it is possible to correct any data entry errors.

6. Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by GIADAGUI Srl. By means of an e-mail reply, sent to the e-mail address supplied by the Customer. This confirmation message will contain the date and time of execution of the order and a Customer Order Number, to be used in any further communication with GIADAGUI Srl. any corrections, in the manner described in this document.

7. In case of non-acceptance of the order, GIADAGUI Srl. Guarantees timely communication to the Customer.

Terms of payment


Paypal and cash on delivery

By choosing this option you will be redirected to the PayPal site to complete the transaction. IMPORTANT: Currently only Paypal payments from paypal-verified Italian Paypal accounts are accepted. At the time of the order, PayPal will immediately charge the amount relating to the purchase made. Find out more about PayPal.

Cash on delivery to be paid directly to the exclusive courier